Whole-person well-being for a more joyful you and a much happier world.

Who do I coach? 

I coach people who have reached a bit of a life plateau and are ready for that to change. They are authentic and inspiring individuals who want more out of life — more out of themselves. They are ready to do the hard work of introspection and are willing to challenge themselves for growth. 

A majority of my clients tend to be small business professionals (owners, leaders, or self-employed) or those in transition (be it a career transition or a life situation transition). Some of my clients are also native Spanish speakers (if you want to be coached in Spanish, no es ningún problema!).  

Wherever my clients happen to come from, or whatever language they speak, they are people who have grown tired of the status quo, the mundane, the general, and the generic. My clients are hungry for a new life purpose and go after it with passion. They all want to experience Alegre Living.

Why work with me? 

1) I've been there.  Thinking that you might be in the wrong career? Been there. Struggling with some key relationships? Been there. Dealing with the loss of a loved one? Been there. Suffering from being overweight and out of shape? Been there. Struggling with addiction? Been there. Feeling scared because you just lost your job? Been there. Wondering how to break free from beliefs that are holding you back? Been there. Working for someone who is muy loco? Been there. Longing to live more authentically? Been there. Feeling constantly overwhelmed with life? Been there. Considering taking a leap of faith to hire a coach? Been there. 

2) I'm there too.  I have a coach. Two in fact. One life coach and one business coach. I believe wholeheartedly in coaching and invest a ton of time and money into it. I want to improve my life and be the best me that I can possibly be. Working with a professional coach is the best way that I know how. I have plenty that I am working on in my life. So I get it. I know that it can be hard at times. I also know how great it can be too when you achieve a breakthrough and reach your amazing goals. 

3) I'm here for you.  This may sound cliché, but it's true: Your success is my success; your breakthroughs are my breakthroughs; your new life is my new life. I do not care what you are going through, what you have been through, or what you think is in your way. You deserve to live a life that is true to yourself, excites you, and excites others! I'll be tough when I have to and won't allow you to continue to put up with the BS that is holding you back. And I'll be gentle when necessary and tell you that it's going to be okay, because it will. We will get there together. And we'll have some fun along the way — I promise. 

4) I'm confident in my abilities as a coach. I have been coaching/counseling/consulting for over 25 years. (But Brenton, you look so young, how is that possible?) I have worked with hundreds of clients in various capacities over the years with one central focus: to help them reach their goals. I am constantly reading, learning, taking classes, being coached, and challenging myself to be the best coach that I can be. I love what I do and I know what I'm doing. I don't say this to be cocky, I say it to encourage you to give me/coaching a try. I also offer a money back guarantee, so why not, right? 

Let's hear from some clients...

Lynda K., Author: "Brenton does a fantastic job of asking all the right questions and helping you to dig deep to discover your full potential and what it is you are really searching for.  He helped me to gain clarity in what was important in my life and helped me stay on track to finish my book.  He cares about you as a person and then that translates into making your company or career successful as well.  Helping you from the inside to manifest outward success is truly a gift that he shares.  I would recommend him to anyone that feels 'stuck' and just doesn't know which way to turn...as he will help to get you going in the direction of your dreams." 

Tim C., Seeker Extraordinaire: “I had the pleasure of working with Brenton while I was a small business owner, and I would highly recommend utilizing Brenton’s coaching services.  Brenton has exceptional listening skills and coaching process that enables him to quickly understand where you are and what you are trying to accomplish. Brenton partners with you to help you meet your objectives, once there’s understanding of where you are and where you want to go.  I found each coaching session adding value, and moving me in a positive direction.  In addition, his 100% satisfaction guarantee made it an easier decision to get started.” 

Melinda R., Loan Officer: "A couple of months ago, I was a mess! At that time I really did not know what a life coach did, I only knew that you came highly recommended and I needed to move in a new direction. Since then, my life is totally different. I still have many things to do, areas to improve, but I have made some amazing progress! I am so much happier and calmer...Honestly Brenton, I am not sure where I would be if you had not come into my life! I feel saved, renewed and have so much hope for the future. If anyone is contemplating a change, or a new direction, I would highly recommend a life coach. But more specifically, I wholeheartedly would insist they call you! You have a way of guiding and advising that is sensitive, insightful and no nonsense. I never felt pressure but always heard and motivated to change, once I knew it was possible." 

Gayle E., Small Business Owner: "Brenton has been my coach for more than a year.  I really appreciate his holistic approach to coaching. He truly understands that for a business to be healthy and successful, the people working in that business must be working at their highest and best in all dimensions of life.  With his masterful coaching, I have been able to tap into my own potential and launch a business that is fulfilling my dreams." 

Ali D., Marketing Manager: “When I say Brenton Weathers changed my life, I mean it. His coaching has opened my eyes to a whole new way of experiencing life and handling stressful situations. Brenton took me from a place of heavy stress and concern to a feeling of lightness and enjoyment. I can much more positively face adversity now that I have been able to implement his teachings. I have recommended Brenton to several friends and coworkers. I can't speak highly enough of him!”

Omar B., Artist: "I just want to thank you and let you know how happy I am with my decision of having you as my business and personal coach for the past few months. You’re definitely helping me become a better me. As you know, I have been running my decorative painting business for 14 years. I am self-motivated and always looking for ways to improve my business and personal life. However, I never used a professional coach. When I approach you to coach me, I was a little nervous, because I wasn’t sure if I could handle the additional stress of implementing new habits.  When we started working together, I was very pleasantly surprised how your supportive attitude, easy going personality, and style of coaching adapted to my environment and my needs, instead of handing me more “to do lists.”  By exposing me to, and helping me learn about my Energetic Self Perception and Levels of energy, I have been more aware of my day to day situations. That awareness is giving me clarity and helping me make changes. So far, these changes have led to many measurable improvements in many areas of my business and personal life. Thank you so much!" 

Lee C., Small Business Entrepreneur: "Brenton's personalized approach to coaching has been an impactful experience. By the end of our first meet up, he had already given me tools to be more successful in my business and personal life. He really made it about me. What I wanted to focus on, the areas I wanted to improve in, ways that I wanted to approach my goals. The personalized focus was very much appreciated, it wasn't just something he did for everyone. It's been a valuable experience and I look forward to continuing to work with him."


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